
Explorations of VTK

Over the past couple of years, I experimented with creating a Java-based system for modeling  scientific processes, particularly those related to geographic systems.  I developed a nice visualization system in Eclipse with Postscript style graphics.  The modeling was based on a system that was somewhat similar to VTK (which I experimented with several years ago) but using Java reflection to dynamically load and link in the user’s model components.

While it was somewhat successful, it was a LOT of work and I never had the time to really complete it or document it properly.  So it just sort of languished.  Recently, I felt like I wanted to work on it some more but when I looked at the complexity of it, I sort of quailed.

So I decided to take another look at VTK.  I found that it is still being actively supported, with version 6.0.0 having been recently released.  It had Java wrappers and some form of support for Eclipse – both of which were pluses for me.  So I decided to give it another whirl. What I ran into was the classic, somewhat unevenly documented open-source effort. I'm not trying to be critical here - the problems I ran into re-emphasized my own failings in having Readium documented the way it should be. But I thought it was worth documenting the process.

What's the Goal Here?

To set the context, our ultimate goal is to build a full-fledged Eclipse perspective that allows one to relatively easily build GIS-based models (e.g. runoff, erosion, etc.) without a lot of overhead, using a easy-to-use framework. Ideally, the sequence is:

This is audacious, but given the tooling and frameworks available, by no means out of reach. Let's see how close we can get.


First step is to download the latest (currently, 6.0.0), from here.  I downloaded the source, data and documentation. All platforms are included or, more accurately, since the VTK is built from source, all the sources are available to build on any of the supported platforms. In my case, my primary OS is OSX (10.8.4 at the moment). I'll try to reproduce this all on my Windows box at some point, but not right now.


The packages came a tar.gz so I just unpacked them following the instructions I found on the VTK site.  This is when the first tremors of unease arrived.  VTK has been around a long time and supports many platforms and is open-source so there have been a lot of cooks.

One of the results of this is that there are numerous (sometimes innumerable) ways of doing anything with VTK.  And some work with older versions but not newer ones (there’s that wonderful word ‘deprecated’).  For example,  VTK is built by running a utility named ccmake which reads a (huge) tree of scripts and from those scripts it builds the actual make file.

So first step is to download and install ccmake.  Easy enough. Now,  it turns that there are (at least) two ways of using ccmake – command line and GUI.   Naturally the documentation isn’t too clear on which is better than the other - YMMV, eh?  And, up until some recent date, there wasn’t a GUI for OSX.  So if you start googling around you will get conflicting info.

I experimented with both, but got different errors from both of them.  I finally decided to try and sort out what was wrong with the GUI version since others seemed to eventually resolve their problems with it.

The errors I was seeing were missing Java INCLUDE paths, particularly JAVA_INCLUDE_PATH, JAVA_INCLUDE_PATH2 and JAVA_AWT_INCLUDE_PATH.  This seemed odd to me because on OSX the Java is virtually always installed in exactly the same place (/Library/Java) so why was the system complaining?  Worse, I knew where those paths should point but had no idea where to set those variables.

Back to Google. Hunting for a while I saw that a couple of people suggested there was a long-standing bug in which the command to search for the right paths is missing from one of the multitude of  CMakeLists.txt files, which are the ccmake scripts.  In particular, the CMakeLists.txt file in the root of the VTK install was missing the lines:

#-------- added by RKW -----------------------------------

I added these lines tried to run ccmake again by deleting the “cache”, then resetting the configuration to Eclipse/Unix Makefiles. That seemed to fix the first error, but now it complained that “make” couldn’t be found.  Really?  Then  I realized this might be true as I was using my old Mac Pro which had a new version of XCode (4.6) and Apple has decided that command-line tools are old-fashioned and shouldn’t be installed by default.  :-)

So I told XCode to install those old-fashioned tools and tried again.  This time it seemed to work, except I had requested the docs be built, but it couldn’t find Doxygen.  Don’t know why as it IS installed, but whatever.  I unchecked “Create Documentation” and re-ran ccmake.  Mirabile dictu it ran and ran and (apparently) did generate the makefile.

However, an interesting factoid came up when I looked again at the CMakeLists.txt file in the root of the VTK.  The lines I had added about find_package(JNI) had disappeared.  Yet it apparently ran successfully.  Whether this is because somehow the missing make created the missing include Java files error (doubtful) or running the process copied the necessary JNI search somewhere else, I have no idea.  But my life is too short to search for that which I don’t have to.

So then I ran in the make file and amazingly, it ran and ran and ran and apparently built the VTK libraries.  Looking in my VTK-Build tree in bin and lib revealed all sorts of binary apps and libraries.  Hooray.  Maybe now I can run “Hello World”

Running  a VTK Sample

So I grabbed a sample from the web showing how to use VTK.  My mistake!  I should have hunted through the VTK samples in the tree and save myself some time.

First,  I made sure my dynamic library location of VTK could be found by Java by adding to my .bash_profile:


Then I loaded the sample I found on the web as a class in Eclipse (in a new project), set the path to the vtk.jar correctly and tried launching the project.  Crash.  Couldn’t find any of the dylibs.  Hmm.  Poked around a bit then finally added


to the run configuration in Eclipse and tried again.  OK, that got farther – I got a blank window and no errors, but nothing was drawn.  Back to poking around.  Discovered that some examples on the web (but not all) would load the dynamic libs explicitly, like


I tried that but none of the names was correct.  “Can’t find vtkCommonJava”, etc.  Checking the  lib folder, sure enough there was no such library.  Hmm.  Maybe with version 6.0.0 they have changed the way libraries were loaded.  I finally spelunked through the samples in the VTK folder and found a simple example of a cone.  And, sure enough the structure of the code was pretty radically different. 

private void loadLibraries()  {
    if (!vtkNativeLibrary.LoadAllNativeLibraries()) {
        for (vtkNativeLibrary lib : vtkNativeLibrary.values()) {
            if (!lib.IsLoaded()) {
                System.err.println(lib.GetLibraryName() + " not loaded");

So I chucked the first sample, pasted in the new code and tried again. Hallelujah!  It worked:

Simple VTK - Cone

So it was a convoluted journey but I got there.  Would have been nice if there had been a step by step tutorial for OSX with 6.0.0 but then I wouldn’t have learned as much, eh?

What's Next?

But this is all very well, but all it does is verify that one can install VTK, build it and run the "Hello World" of VTK. But what I want to do is develop apps within Eclipse that allow me to do my GIS modeling. So this is step one, but there's lots left. So the next step is to create a VTK View inside Eclipse itself. So...

Next Chapter: Creating a VTK View in Eclipse